Stanley has mastered the courtesy laugh already; children are obviously more savvy than they were before. Sometimes we play "jump out from behind a corner and say 'boo!' or some other word or loud noise," and he laughs and laughs. Then, in a brief moment, he gets tired of it. Instead of looking away and playing with something, though, he continues to watch, and when I jump out and make a fool of myself for the last time, he sort of smiles and exhales a little. It's the equivalent of a comedian nodding her head at a joke told by someone else, instead of laughing--as if to say, "I appreciate your effort. Your effort is valuable to me."
I guess that is all I'm asking for anyway--to know that Stanley enjoys our time together. He did seem to enjoy last night's dinner, when I got him to laugh numerous times saying (in a somewhat-impolitely loud voice), "Leek tart!" and "I love dill!"
Don't tell me stuff like that isn't funny.