We went to a Fourth of July parade in Webster Groves, one of the suburbs we are considering moving into next summer if we get a job here in St. Louis. It wasn't the most impressive parade ever, but we had a good time and the boys got a few pieces of candy. Later in the afternoon, after a
very exciting (for Stan) trip to the McDonalds playplace, we went back to look at homes. As it turns out, historic downtown Webster Groves is the most perfect neighborhood in Missouri. The homes are beautiful and old and large without having that 'old money' feel. The yards are big and well-kept and everyone was out having barbecues or front-yard parties, sitting on porches, walking dogs, or having lemonade stands. The library and YMCA (not a scary one, either) are in walking distance. And did I mention that every home is beautiful? Now all we need is lots of money....
We took the boys to see some fireworks last night, so we didn't have to do it tonight. For some reason they do fireworks on the third, fourth, and fifth (at least- maybe more) here, and we were out late last night anyway so it worked out better that way.