Wednesday, July 06, 2005

some things about stan

1. He loves to be outside. If he's going nuts and won't stop crying and doesnt' want me to put him down, but also doesn't want me to hold him, as soon as I take him outside, he's fine. I take him over to the park and let him run around while I read a cookbook, and he has a great time and I have a great time. He never runs out of things to do at the park.
2. This week he discovered the joy of climbing into the laundry basket and getting pushed around in it. It works well with our wood floor in the living room that goes right into the kitchen. I usually push Teacups style, with a lot of spinning around as we move in a circuit.
3. Stan will find something and carry it around all day. It's not uncommon to find the thing he was holding in the afternoon in his little fist when we're changing him for bed.
4. when i shampoo him in the bath, he puts his hands behind his head and rubs like he's shampooing. He also always rubs brushes and combs on his head and put socks and shoes against his feet.
5. He has finally learned how to turn around and go down stairs backwards. phew!
6. Stanley still loves diving into soft things. Today I put our pillows and our down comforter in a big fluffy pile on the floor, and he must have plunged into it 20 times.
7. The worst times of the day for stan are right before the morning nap, and right after he wakes up from it. He does just fine at night, even if we have to keep him up way past his bedtime.
8. Stan used to bring me books 15 times a day and sit in my lap and listen to them (these were 5 page board books with one 3-word sentence on each page, so don't be too impressed), but now he brings them to me, stands beside me while I read 1 or 2 pages, then grabs the book back and runs off. He still does that cute way of reading them himself, though, where he sits on the floor and turns the pages and just babbles away.
9. He just loved the 4th of July fireworks. He watched the whole show and a few times he said, "ooooh!" and clapped his little hands.
10. Stan loves Scott so much. he gets so excited when he hears him after work. As soon as he knows Scott is home, he puts his hands in the air, starts panting excitedly, and running to find him. He is always rewarded with some rowdy playtime.


Shannon said...

This so badly needs to go in his baby book. It is awesome!!!

Supercords said...

Glad to see Stan is posting again. I love his blog.