We had pizza for dinner.

Stanley levels a sour stare at me. I think he was just chewing or something, but maybe this is the beginning of a contentious phase.

I asked Stanley, "Are you eating pizza?" and this was his answer.

"I give you this straw, for today you are a man."

Sweet, sweet nectar.

Stanley and Julie went to see me (Scott) at the basketball game. These are some of the other wives of basketball players, each with a young'un.

One of our friends brought this puppy, Fenway, to the game. Stanley had a fantastic time holding him.

Stanley's presents were cleverly wrapped in blankets, since we've gotten rid of all our wrapping paper in preparation for the move to Minnesota.

Stanley received some books.

"...or AM I done opening presents?"

Stanley's friend Sariah Jane came over to give him some blocks for a present. Stanley is basically in love with her. He says "Sariah Jane?" about a hundred times each day, obviously imagining all kinds of situations in which he might be able to hang out with her.

Goodbye, my Love.

Oh, uh, that hug? Heheh, yeah, that was nothing. Just saying goodbye.

Nothing marks the end of a birthday like getting into some fairly girlish pajamas and hopping into the crib.

Pictured here is Animal Blanket, which Stanley usually requests. It depicts Noah's ark.

This was a fabulous picture and comment series.
I concur with Supercords. I think those are some of the best pics of Stanley posted yet.
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