Henry takes a nap with Mom, visions of milkyplums dancing in his head.

Stanley loves to show Henry affection.

He enjoys tipping Henry up in his seat, and we try to keep him from falling out.

Stanley has learned to use the computer, to some extent. He really enjoys Microsoft Paint, and Pinball if he can get us to put that on.

Paris and Nicole made up? Where have I been for the last two hours?

To be clear, this started out as cereal and a glass of grape juice.

Henry in his duck costume and Stanley in his birthday suit.

Stanley likes to call Henry "Little Man".

Smell that? That's my two-in-one shampoo and conditioner. Nice, I know.





We originally bought a pirate costume, but the 2T turned out to be 2small, and they were out of larger sizes. They did have this football player costume. Speaking of that, Stanley was 20 for 27 for 314 yards, with 2 TDs and 1 INT. Not bad.

The ward has a trunk or treating tradition, so Stanley walked from car to car with his little candy bag.

Have some pretend candy, kid. Now get outta here!

The shoulder pads are washcloths.

One van had this clever setup out of the back of their minivan. Upon declaring "trick or treat!", someone on the other side of a white poster would slip a piece of candy into the PVC tube, and it would land neatly into the child's bag.

Stanley with Peter and Eva, a few of his friends.

Julie entered a pie baking contest. The contest was rigged, we're pretty sure.

We put Stanley in his church shoes, because he's finally grown out of his sneakers.

Peter steals the spotlight.

A pie eating contest to end the night.

Nice boots, Stanley! (him on the computer) :)
Great photo commentary as usual. Your keen wit is always appreciated.
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