Friday, July 04, 2008

Science park

The St. Louis Science Center is pretty close to our apartment here. There is a playground outside that is usually overrun with field-tripping school kids, but if you go in the evening or first thing in the morning, it is a fun place for the boys to play. Stan has been obsessed with the science center ever since Scott took him to a planetarium show there, and he asks to go there nearly every day. We have made it to the park a few times, and inside the building once or twice.

Henry is turning the wheel on the gear thingy. We like how it's so big.

This is a house/maze kind of thing made of different colored transparent panels to demonstrate color mixing.

The boys are about to pull the starter on the Gravity Race.

We have also made it out to the zoo once since Mary has been born. I had mary in the Moby Wrap and the boys in the double stroller and we made it aroud ok. It wasn't as bad as I feared it would be. I like the zoo because there are other people with two or three kids, so I feel like less of a spectacle than I do just going around our hip "walkable urban" (i.e. no kids) neighborhood.
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