Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I don't need Stan to pull my hair out...

I'll pull it out myself! He has been crying and crying for like three days. It all started tuesday when we were on the Tuesday-Thursday Walk With Friend and Baby. We were an hour away from home, and he started crying. He cried and cried, and the only thing that would make him stop was me carrying him, so i carried him for an hour, passing him from arm to arm and steering the stroller with the other hand. From time to time i tried to set him down in the stroller to rest my arm, and the instant i set him down he started crying every time. And he hasn't stopped since then. Not only that, but last night and the night before he's woken up at least four or five times. Alan and Shannon came over tonight and thought it was teething so they recommended tylenol. Hopefully that will help.

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