Tuesday, November 09, 2004

not much to report

well, I can't really say how things went last night with our plan to let stan cry himself back to sleep because I slept through the whole thing. I was just so tired from him getting up every 45 minutes for 3 nights in a row, and I think my subconcious knew that I didn't need to listen for him, so i didnt' even wake up between 1:30 and 5:45. I don't know how long he cried, or how hard. But I do know that i had my first four hour and fifteen minute stretch of sleep since stan stopped wanting to sleep without me two weeks ago. Once a night, i can do. Twice a night is even ok, but it really was getting rediculous and worse by the day, er, night. Hopefully it was a success and he will experience a long and happy future of sound, uninterrupted sleep... and so will I.

1 comment:

Dawn Wessman said...

I like the look of your blog better than mine. I am like that with so many things... I always like someone elses' icecream flavor better than mine. Hey, I let Robyn cry herself out too. It doesn't seem to last forever for her, but no big deal. I opened a blog for Robyn: babersnabers@blogspot.com
