Monday, December 24, 2007

From Spring 2007 - Computer Fun

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Two Santas, Same Result

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Places and Faces

Henry in the tupperware cupboard.

Cream cheese face.

"...and this is how I did it."

Up on the desk and in a cozy spot.
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We went downtown to the Holidazzle parade, which proceeds down Nicollet Mall from the southern end down to the Minneapolis Central Library. We stood across the street from the library and caught a few pictures of the parade.

This here is Little Bo Peep, who seems to have lost her sheep.

Behold a nutcracker, which was capable of turning suddenly in a circle before heading further down the parade route. Sorta scary.

Captain Hook aboard his ship. Do you remember the name of his ship? That's right, it's the Jolly Roger.

Santa's float.

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Sunday, December 02, 2007

Stanley Entertains Henry, Again

In this video, Stanley is absent-mindedly rhyming words and just messing around. Henry is soaking it all up. The word "moth" seems to hit the right nerve for Henry.

Put on your red shoes

Stanley likes his dance class. I wouldn't say he is the next Baryshnikov, but that's probably for the best anyway.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Just a Taste

Monday, November 19, 2007

Daddy and Henry

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Henry's Birthday, Kids Being Kids

Kids are very bad at trying not to smile when they want to smile.

They were crawling back in our bedroom closet, squealing and making all these funny noises.

Henry's first birthday

The cute cake Julie and Stanley made for Henry's birthday.

Making a face.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

yay yay for Stanley

For Christmas, Stanley got a new Elmo and Big Bird potty seat, along with a big blue stool and Thomas, Elmo, and Backyardigans underpants. All during Christmas break he was looking forward to getting home so he could use the potty. The first few days we did underwear only in the afternoon, with me taking him to sit on the potty every half hour or so. The second day we went through five pair. We took a few days off, because we were out of the house all day one day an he was sick the next, but we started up again yesterday. Today was the breakthrough! I took him to the potty in the morning, but in the afternoon he kept going all by himself! We'd be doing something and I'd notice he was missing, and he'd be in the bathroom just finishing up, and I'd help him get a squirt of his special Sponge Bob foaming soap. I put the Elmo-playing-basketball underpants on him this morning, and he had the same ones on tonight at bedtime--he stayed dry all day! Yay! Hopefully he keeps going potty when the novelty wears off, etc, but for now I'm really really happy. Everyone who's been here before will probably laugh that I'm speaking too soon, but I feel like we're off to a good start-I thought it would take weeks before he would just go in on his own without me reminding him.