Sunday, January 20, 2008

Road tripping

The kids do pretty well driving, but they had their moments.

Both kids were having a good cry at this moment; Stanley covered his face when Julie took out the camera.

Woe is Henry.
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Rocky Point, Mexico Part 3

Julie helps Stanley keep his hand out with the piece of fish for the turtle.

Joey and Miranda look at the turtles.

Arthur the sea lion.

Stanley walked up to this tank where Arthur lives, and had turned away from the tank to look at me. Meanwhile, Arthur swam up and stuck his head through the chain link to see if Stanley had any food to give him. Stanley turned around and faced this gigantic sea lion's head about three feet from him. Stanley was pretty startled.
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Rocky Point, Mexico Part 2

Stanley and Joey had a great time playing on the trip.

The first morning we were there was pretty chilly, but Henry loved being outside whenever he could.
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Rocky Point, Mexico

Henry enjoys some low tide wading.

More playing

Julie stands behind, Henry, Stanley, and Joey, who is Aaron's and Becki's boy.

The good life.
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