Wednesday, April 30, 2008


A couple weeks ago we were at the Mall of America. Stanley wanted to go on a ride pretty badly, so we bought some tickets and he went on this ride alone and then with me on the ferris wheel, a/k/a El Circulo de Cielo - Dora the Explorer's own ride. In any case, when we approached the pictured ride, Wonder Pets Flyboat, there was already a full complement of chilluns on the ride, so we watched it go. The thing goes up slowly, then freefalls about halfway, then goes up to about three-quarter height, drops again, and then sort of bounces up and down like it's trying to shake the candy out of the kids' pockets. For a childres ride it's pretty intense.

I thought Stanley would think it was a bit scary, but he said he really wanted to go. So we redeemed the tickets and entrusted our firstborn son to the capable hands of the sixteen year old ride operator. Stanley loved it. He hadn't caught onto the idea of holding his hands up like the other kids, but that's pretty normal for him; he's pretty straight-faced during most activities and processes the experiences later, talking about how exciting it was.

And sorry the pictures are so bad. We didn't have our camera so I took these with my phone.

I think it helped that he was on the ride with a bunch of kids who had just ridden it and were not crying.

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