Friday, February 04, 2005


Last thursday morning I went into Stan's room saw him completing a pull-up into standing position. The rest of that morning he was crawling from place to place pulling himself up on everything. The funny thing, though, is that as soon as he was standing, he'd let go with both hands and try to balance. I told this to Dawn and she said he'd stop after he fell a few times, so I bottled up all of my motherly instincts and let him fall down a few times.
A week and about 80 falls later (only a slight exaggeration) he's still doing it. Only now he's not just trying to balance. He'll crawl to the thing he wants to stand on, slowly pull himself up, let go with one hand and get his balance (he often waves with the hand which is not holding on, which is totally cute), then he'll turn and step out with one foot and let go with the other hand all at once. He thinks he can walk, but he cant. He tries all day, and all day long I stay within 6 inches of him so that I can catch him. Even so he falls all the time because he's always twisting around when he lets go. He has bruises all over his head. He's not even good at walking when we're holding his hands up or anything, so I don't know why he thinks he can just walk out into the middle of a room by himself. And I'm sure that if we were going to learn by falling, he'd have learned by now.


Cora said...

Way to go, Stanley! Keep working on the standing and walking thing. Just don't let your forehead look like your pop's, eh?

Scott said...
