Wednesday, April 06, 2005

spring is in the air.

Up until recently, stan has been afraid of the grass. it's easy for me to take him outside on a warm day like yesterday or today and put him on a blanket with a few toys while I pull some weeds. He won't crawl off the blanket. Yesterday I was weeding and I looked over toward stan and found that he had crawled across maybe 5 feet of lawn to the railroad ties that frame the garden in the back. Good job, stan! I went back to what I was doing and soon I heard stan shrieking in delight over and over again. What could he be up to? I looked up again and saw that he was back on the blanket, laying on his face, wiggling his arms and legs and rubbing his face on the blanket, just screaming and laughing like it was the best thing that had ever happened to him.


Marnie said...

How cute.

Shannon said...

I just love babies!