Sunday, January 08, 2006

Christmas Morning

On Christmas morning, we opened presents in the front room and enjoyed watching Stanley open presents. By the time the day was done, Stanley had become adept at opening any present he saw, regardless of whose it was.

We bought Stan some hand puppets: a camel, a scorpion, a tarantula, and an ostrich--the so-called "desert set". He's holding the camel in his hand, most likely asking for our participation in puppeteering.

This was our little tree. It seemed weird to get a huge tree, and we were going to just pass on the whole tree thing, but then we found this tree at Costco and fell in love. It has a real Dr. Seuss quality to it, don't you think? On the left of the tree you will notice that Julie bought me a new propane tank.

We went to church at 11:30, and here's Stanley with his church outfit on. He's a good boy. Posted by Picasa

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