Monday, November 08, 2004

All You Care To Fuss Buffet

Stanley is going to be angry with us in a few hours. We have decided that he needs to sleep through the night better than he does, and that we've been too quick to get him when he starts fussing. We hit a crossroads of sorts this morning, when Stanley started fussing just a half hour after Julie had fed him. After we picked him up, he just sort of snacked for a minute and then cooed and played. He has us under his thumb.

So here's our plan: we're going to let him fuss for a half hour or so, then pick him up if he's still crying. We hope that we will be able to restore him to his former self, which used to sleep from eleven-thirty until six-thirty. Those were the days! We'll see how it goes. Stanley Banley is a wily one, and he may win this battle of wills (or lungs, depending on the side you're on).

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