Saturday, November 13, 2004

The Sleeping Sitter

I think the experiment with Stanley is a success. We have given ourselves permission to ignore a greater amount of him crying, which in turn allows us to sleep better. Stanley stops crying before that threshold is reached, and falls back asleep. Thus, we are sleeping more! It's exciting because we are sleeping more!

Stanley is really sitting now. Today I set him on the carpet and had him sit for a while. He fell to the side and bonked his head on the little mirror he was enjoying. He seemed pretty upset about that.

So I built a "safe place" by positioning four pillows around him, so no matter in which direction he fell, he would fall onto something soft. He only fell once after that, and actually cried while sitting up because he was tired of it.

So we're happy about his progress, though we have it from reliable sources that Robyn is already reading at a fourth-grade level! Dang it!

1 comment:

Dawn Wessman said...

The Reading Robyn Rumor is true.