Monday, October 11, 2004

the 5 month birthday

Yesterday Stan turned five months old. I have been feeding him plain rice cereal for about a week, so yesterday i made a batch of carrot baby food, and i mixed about a tablespoon in with his cereal. He seemed to like it ok, but he wasn't really in the mood to eat, so it was a little bit of work at first. He's a good eater, though, and does a good job of keeping the food in his mouth once it's in.

Making baby food is easier than anything. I just peeled four carrots, boiled them till they were soft, then pureed them with the cooking liquid, and voila! I put one tablespoon of the puree into each space in an ice cube tray and froze it, then put the cubes in a freezer bag. Now I have ten more one-serving portions in the freezer all ready to go. And it couldn't have cost more than twenty cents.

Last week he started holding his feet, so now whether he's lying on his back or someone is holding him upright, he has at least one foot in his hand. When he holds both feet, it turns him into this awesome little ball. He usually holds his left foot with his left hand. I wonder if it's a clue about what his dominant hand is going to be. He usually chews on his right fist, though, so he's probably not old enough to tell.

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