Thursday, October 28, 2004

Super Trooper

Stan said his first word tonight! We spent all this time wondering whether he would say Ma-ma or Da-da first, but it turns out that the first word was ABBA. I never knew my cleaning music would have such an impact...and i don't even know if I've listened to it more than once since he was born! He has been practicing the b sound for two or three days, and tonight during dinner he had a great time saying it back and forth with me. When I leave him to entertain himself, he lays there and says "buh....buh....aaaa-buh...bbbbbbwaaaa....buh." It's pretty cute. I'm looking foreward to him being in the stage where he'll babble and string consonant sounds together.

The other thing he did today for the first time was shake a rattle. Usually he just licks it for a minute then drops it, but today he was shaking it around. In the morning he waved it around going as far in each direction as his short arms would permit, and by evening he was shaking it more like a normal person shakes a rattle. To me this is big news because it means he's going to start playing with his toys instead of just tasting them and dropping them. Hopefully this means I'll be able to let him entertain himself for longer periods of time.

Today at naptime (2:00) I nursed him and put him in the crib, but as soon as he touched the matress his eyes opened. I put a blanket over him anyway and walked out, and just stayed in the next room to listen. He played with his crib toy for probably ten minutes, then he got a little fussy and started whimpering, but after a few minutes of that he just fell asleep. I love it when he falls asleep on his own!

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